Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Insanity Continues...

CHRISTMAS IS ONLY 9 DAYS AWAY! I'm ready - thank goodness! Frankly, even though Christmas Day is my MOST FAVORITE day of the year, I hope I miss it because Jay is in surgery! Weird thought, huh?

He has a doctor's appointment today and he got the "reminder call" last night, but I was talking to him when his phone rang and he saw the "214" number and he said, "This could be it..." I think we were both disappointed that it was nothing more! That's even weirder!

We've been getting some huge blessings the past couple of days - two of our football buddies have offered to stay home with us to watch the game on TV! Just incredible! We are all H-U-G-E football freaks, so for them to give up their day on the field to watch the biggest game of the season is just unbelievable!

We're celebrating my birthday Friday night - at Kyoto - a Japanese restaurant. I'm very excited!

Zach is home - my mom and brother are both healthy - Jay is doing pretty good despite not working - had dinner with his siblings this past Sunday night - LIFE IS GOOD!

Happy Holidays and warm blessings to all!

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