Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ahhh, a little rest for the weary!

Our beloved Wylie Pirates won the semi-final championship yesterday against the Copperas Cove Bulldogs!!! AHMO! Now it's on to the state championship game next Saturday in Houston against the Katy Tigers. Jay and I won't get to go to this game unfortunately - "against doctor's orders" to be that far from Dallas. That is probably one of the most painful moments we'll experience this football season - to watch our football buddies go to the game, while we stay home to watch it on TV - could it even remotely be the same??? NO WAY!!

But we're grateful that Jay is still so healthy that staying home, and being available for a transplant should the doctors call, is still our option! Our buddies will yell and scream just a little louder for us, GOD BLESS 'EM ALL!

Christmas is just around the corner (only 12 days, but who's counting). Zach is home for the weekend (whoo hoo!), the Pirates won again (AMHO!) and I have a shopping list (not finished shopping, but at least I have the list!).

I want to send out warm thanks to RAMY, CRAIG, DOYLE, GINA, DIANNE, ROBERT, BLACKMAN, LITTLE DAVE, AND OUR REDHEADED KYLE for all the love and support you've given us this football season - we are blessed by your presence in our lives and will always be grateful that we have each of you! Football season, winning or losing, even is better because each of you are in it. Rock on in Houston for us, NO TEXTING ALLOWED, and bring us back footballs, towels, and a CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!!!!!

Love to all!

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