Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ho Hum....

You know how some days, you just know "it" isn't right, but you aren't sure aren't even sure what "it" is. "It" just isn't right. THat was today and remains so even know, at 7:50 pm.

I'd love to contribute it to having 3 teeth filled today (and enjoying the hour and half of laughing gas) but honestly, seeing my dentist is NEVER an unplesant experience because he understands me so well..."Give her gas, all is well."

I'd love to contribute it to the fact that there was nothing interesting in the mail today except bills. I swear, that's all we get anymore. Geez what happened to the good old days of things that made you smile from the mailbox?

I'd like to contribute it to work and some days feel like eggshells there, but I'm not sure that's it either.

I'm already looking forward to next sad is that? You want your life to pass by so you can avoid "it."

Oh well, I'll pray for a better day tomorrow and see what it brings.

Love to all and I pray that your day was better than mine.


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