Monday, December 29, 2008

Almost 2009!

Can it be that another year has almost come and gone?

Zach leaves for school tomorrow. It doesn't start for another two weeks, but he needs to get "advised," and he wants to continue searching for a job! Thank goodness!

We got some "bad" news on Saturday. I'm sure most would not consider it bad but Jay and I were both disappointed - he got a letter from his hepatologist. His blood work showed that he was "better," so he moved down the list from a 21 to a 17! What a shock! He knew he was feeling better (contributes that to not working) but to move down was just unbelievable. I know that sounds strange, but we feel it explains why we haven't gotten "the call." He does feel pretty good right now and it's weird to find ourselves wishing that he didn't. We're feeling a little sorry for ourselves, but trying to remember that without a new liver, healthy is better!

I can't believe that 2009 is only 2 days away! Seems virtually impossible. What my mother always told me as a child is incredibly true: The older you get, the faster times goes by!

My wish for all is a happy and prosperous new year, blessed by family and friends.

Love to all!

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