Thursday, November 27, 2008

Someone Always Has it Worse

Last night sitting at dinner with Jay, we were talking about good friends and health problems that she has going on - I won't mention names "to protect the innocent." But she has some major health problems and while Jay was describing her latest ordeal - she must now have special contact lenses made (that cost $6,000 which insurance of course, DOES NOT pay for) - or her other choice is to have her eyes sewn shut. How do I lose track of how bad things really are or can be for others?

Yes, Jay needs a liver, but in less than 3 years, he's gone from a 6 on the MELD score to a 21! That's amazing, considering the process. He may even get his liver before Christmas - what a blessed gift!

I should learn to be more grateful for what I have!

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