Monday, December 14, 2009

October 25, 2009 - 9:00 am

Zach and I got to ICU shortly after 9 and they had already started backing off the oxygen to see if he could breathe on his own. His nurse told us to give her about an hour and they would probably have the tube out of his throat. We talked to him for just a few minutes and assured him that the surgery had gone well and that the organ appeared to be working fine, but he didn't seem to know much. He shook his head, but I'm not sure he knew why he was shaking his head!

We left him alone for a little while to get some sleep and then when we returned to the room, the tube was out and he was begging for water. They wouldn't let us give him anything which he didn't understand, but I expected that. ICU will be awful for him until they give him ice chips or something!

He looks wonderful and is trying to talk a little bit.

We'll see how the day goes...everyone wants to see him!

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