Thursday, May 14, 2009

Jay Update - May 14, 2009

Seriously, can someone take 6 diuretics a day and still function (outside of the bathroom)?

Jay saw the hepatologist today - his legs are incredibly swollen and one of them is turning red below the knee. She said she thought it was the "start of an infection." She put him on an antibiotic and said if it wasn't better by Monday, she would admit him to the hospital. My fear of course, is that will take him off the list. She said she hoped the antibiotic would keep it from developing, so we'll see.

She put him on ANOTHER diuretic. The poor guy spends more time in the bathroom in a day than I do in a week, so I can't imagine how this is going to work! I made him wear shorts to her office today so she could see his legs - they are unbelievable!

We won't know anything about his MELD score until later today - they are supposed to call him. Disappointed, he also learned today that he is back to his original transplant coordinator, which neither one of us liked in the beginning! But at this point, we're trying not to care! I'm sure the Lord will provide - He always does.

The doctor did say that it was time to quit work and stay off his legs....hopefully, he'll actually listen and obey.

Please pray that his MELD score is higher and that the Lord sends a liver our way....SOON!

Thanks for the prayers and...

Love to you all,

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Update on Everything

Well, I probably should wait to post this until next week, but honestly, I guess I just need to "talk." Jay gets worse by the, by the moment. Each day is a struggle for him now; just to get up and go to work, but staying is impossible. I don't think he's worked a full day in about two weeks and if that doesn't tell you how bad he is....he hasn't fished in almost a month. THAT SHOULD PUT IT INTO PERSPECTIVE FOR YOU NON-BELIEVERS!

Zach is supposed to be home this weekend for Mother's Day and to get boxes - he's moving out of his apartment and into a new one with a new roommate. Hope that works for him. He's still planning to go to summer school so he won't be home. I already miss him!

Friends are plenty and we are blessed. I'll update next week after the visit with the Hepatologist!

God bless you all,