Monday, June 15, 2009

Flying with Zach

We did it - we did it! We flew with Zach on Friday night from Rockwall to Stephenville! It was incredible, awesome and everything I hoped it would be!

The weather started out fine in Rockwall, but about 10 miles from Stephenville, we saw a huge bolt of lightning! Casey (Zach's friend and owner of the plane) was talking to a control tower somewhere who told him that we had nothing to worry about - "the weather was about 26 miles west of us." Casey informed the guy quickly, that, "Uh no, it was less than 26 miles."

We landed in Stephenville and then rode over to Hard Eight BBQ for dinner. Zach has talked about this place FOREVER, so I was excited to finally get to eat there, and he was right...the food was awesome! And the atmosphere was pretty cool too!

We headed back to the airport and we were being "followed" by a storm the entire time - lightning and really dark clouds...we hauled butt into the plane and got off the ground with lots of wind and draft! The clouds were incredible and the rockin' and rollin' of the plane didn't settle well with me, but honestly, the two Pilots were excellent. Nothing seemed to bother them at all - matter of fact, they both apologized for the bumpy ride. Landing at Rockwall was interesting; they had a hard time getting the landing gear down, but kept that little piece of information to themselves until we were safely on the ground (smart boys!).

All in all, other than the nasty weather, it was an incredible moment for me - I have done something I never dreamed possible two years ago when Zach started school, and I watched him in "his environment." It was just unbelievable!



PS: Jay goes to one doctor today and his hepatologist on Thursday. He has been off work since mid-May and we do not anticipate him going back until after the transplant. He is doing better with the leg swelling - mostly because he makes every attempt to stay off his legs during the day. He is bored to tears, which I expected, and feels so bad most of the time that he hasn't even been fishing (THAT SHOULD TELL YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW!) :)

Pray for "good" results on Thursday and love to you all!